We Request you all please verify all information from official website of your school and college. The content available here is just for creating curiosity for project work / हम आप सभी से अनुरोध करते हैं कि कृपया अपने स्कूल और कॉलेज की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट से सभी जानकारी सत्यापित करें। यहां उपलब्ध सामग्री सिर्फ प्रोजेक्टकार्य के लिए उत्सुकता पैदा करने के लिए है।
You can make any project related to your stream. The prime emphasis of the project work is to understand and apply the basic knowledge of the principles of software engineering practices in real life situations, so as to participate and manage a large software engineering projects in future.
FREE Links:
1. HSBTE SYLLABUS 2018 onward.
2. PURECSS Knowledge Exchange Youtube channel.
4. Oracle Free Learning Explorer – Cloud Computing.
5. Machine Learning Crash Course by Google.
6. Microsoft Virtual Training Day Artificial Intelligence June 9 2021.
7. Try Some Arduino related projects.
Details of project work are available at page 127 of HSBTE syllabus – Computer Engineering .
The project assignments may consist of:
Installation of computer systems, peripherals and software
Programming customer based applications
Web page designing including database connectivity
Database applications
Software Development
Fabrication of components/equipment (computer related components)
Fault-diagnosis and rectification of computer systems and peripherals
Bringing improvements in the existing systems/equipment
Projects related to Multimedia
Projects related to Computer Graphics
Web Hosting
Configuration of Network Operating System(Windows, Linux)
Configuration of servers (Proxy, DNS etc)
Data analysis
Data acquisition through multiple interfaces.
Following are the broad suggestive areas of project work
Database Management Systems.
Software Engineering and Software Development.
Web page Designing.
Computer Graphics and Animation.
Multimedia Systems.
Computer Networks.
Internet and e-commerce.
Computer Security and Cryptography.
Computer hardware and embedded systems.
Improving existing systems / equipments.
Any other related area found worth.